Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Patterson, NJ

We place significant trust in the doctors we ask to take care of us. Unfortunately, sometimes that trust is misplaced, and those doctors do not live up to the oath that they have taken, specifically- “Do no harm”. When harm comes to you or a loved one as the result of medical negligence or “malpractice” speak to the lawyers at the Office of Mitchell H. Portnoi in Patterson, NJ. We have over 40 years of experience in handling medical malpractice cases in Patterson. The cases are often difficult and complex. Specific laws must be complied with, including the filing of an Affidavit of Merit which must be filed almost immediately upon the filing of a lawsuit.

gavel, stethoscope, and document

It is necessary to hire Experienced Medical Malpractice Attorney in Patterson, NJ in the field of medicine in which the targeted defendant practitioner was engaged. This complexity demands that clients hire an experienced Medical malpractice attorney in Patterson and also explains why our office is so very selective in the cases we pursue.

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Were you hurt in an accident in Jersey?

Then call us to discuss your injury case!