Dangerous Winter Conditions That Can Lead to Serious Injuries

Winter, at least for now, seems to finally be upon us in New Jersey! Along with snow and ice brings the potential for dangerous conditions that can lead to serious injuries if not properly addressed. In the last six months, we have resolved multiple slip and fall cases (on ice) that include settlements for $450,000.00, $275,000.00, and $60,000.00 for a fractured arm, ankle, and elbow, respectively. We have the expertise to investigate, litigate and favorably resolve a significant slip and fall or trip and fall cases for maximum monetary recovery. We have hired weather and engineering experts as well as functional capacity experts to pursue these and other cases in order to ensure our client’s recovery compensates them for all of their losses.  If you, or a loved one, has been involved in a slip and fall accident and have sustained a significant injury please follow these guidelines:

1. Seek Medical Treatment Immediately. Your health should be your number-one priority following a slip, trip, and fall accident. If you’ve been hurt, it’s important to see a doctor so that your injuries, and what you believe caused them, can be properly documented. Those medical records will be important pieces of evidence should you decide to seek compensation for your injuries.

2. Take Photos and Collect Information. Take photos or, if you are unable to, have a friend or relative take photos of the hazardous condition of the property as it existed at the time of the fall or as close to it as possible. It is important to collect the names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses for all potential witnesses. Their statements could help prove your claim in the future if you decide to pursue a case. Do not dispose of any shoes or clothing from the day of your injury.

3. Call Us! When considering legal action, the best person to be on your side is an experienced personal injury attorney. We have the experience, knowledge, and track record of success to recover the money you deserve for your injuries. We also have access to additional resources to help you obtain the proper treatment and can advise the entities responsible for the proper of our representation so that you can focus on treatment and not phone calls from the insurance company. Since many slip and fall cases are complex and difficult to prove, you are best served by the resources of a successful law firm. Be sure to contact us as soon as safely possible.

The Law Office of Mitchell H. Portnoi, P.C.’s practice includes Slip-and-Fall, Trip-and-Fall, and Workers’ Compensation matters. We have decades of experience handling these types of claims. Call 908-228-8800 to speak with either Mitchell H. Portnoi or Kyle S. Reed, or contact our office online through our website contact form or at mportnoi@portnoilaw.com or kreed@portnoilaw.com.

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